Episode 2

02: I almost died, but God had other plans (Part 2)

Have you ever experienced a moment in life that you felt was just too much? 

Like you could not possibly make it through?

Joanne Muturi describes a life-threatening illness that changed her life and opened her eyes to a higher purpose. Joanne was hospitalized with a severely low blood count, not knowing that this was just the beginning of what was to be a spirited fight for her life. She felt at her lowest and had no idea how she would make it through. 

If you are struggling or feeling like you are drowning right now and there is no way out, find inspiration in Joanne's story as she describes how sometimes we all go through things that, in this reality, we can't understand.  

Joanne overcame a considerable obstacle to find so many doors literally opening for her as though they were just meant to be.

Join Joanne to discover how determination and faith can push you through any situation.

"After a few consultations with several doctors over the next couple of weeks, I remember the oncologist saying straight to my face that “based on the prognosis and what we are seeing and the size of the tumor, the maximum we see you surviving is six months”. Again, be very careful what you take in from human beings, however qualified you think they are. They are NOT God! Conclusion: Never put a full stop where God has put a comma because it’s evident, my story needed to be told. I am here for a reason. A reason way beyond my human comprehension. I'm still alive and super grateful for that fact!"

- Joanne Muturi

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About the Podcast

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Next Level On Purpose
Find your Purposeful next level

About your host

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Joanne Muturi

Joanne Muturi is an experienced life-purpose coach and business mentor for trailblazing professional women looking to align with their passions, chart their soul's path and build a successful business that intentionally nurtures their best selves.